Monday, July 20, 2009

The Blame Game

Blair is really big into cause and effect these in, "I ran into that door, thus that door hurt me." When the door (or wall, cabinet, floor, or whatever other inanimate object struck her) causes her to fall down or otherwise hurt her psyche, it must be reprimanded appropriately.

"NO NO, Door!" She says it, then looks at us to say it too. Sometimes it (whatever "it" is at that particular time, and depending upon the level of hurt or embarrassment it has caused) even gets a spanking.

Yesterday we were in the kitchen - I was putting dishes into the dishwasher, and she was helping by taking them right back out and handing them to me. She eventually got bored and wandered off, and a few seconds later I heard a thud. Followed by the kind of crying that can only come from a toddler who is in desperate need of a nap. I ran to her, picked her up and kissed her boo-boo.

She then looked at me and, in between sobs, said "NO NO, Daisy!"

I looked around, and spotted Daisy sleeping soundly in the living room. Huh...guess she's learned that it's less embarrassing if the dog made you fall rather than if you ran into a cabinet? I just agreed - "NO NO, Daisy."