Friday, April 16, 2010

Singing sensation

Hello! Yes, I'm still here ... life has just been a little crazier than usual and I haven't taken the time to update. New job is great, we're supposed to close on a new house next week and should move within a few weeks.

Blair is amazing. She's like a little sponge - learning at lighting speed every single day - it's so cool to watch her take everything in! And her little personality is too cute - just call her Princess Blair! No, seriously - she'll tell you to herself sometimes.

Temper tantrums are a regular occurrence now. But so are those angelic moments when she can do no wrong. She still loves Dora, but she's also discovered Dora's cousin Diego. He's slightly less annoying, so that's a plus. ;)

I'm really going to try to do better - I've neglected to post her first haircut, her first encounter with a REAL princess (or Miss GA Sweet Onion - who cares - she was pretty and had on a shiny crown) and so much more! But for now, I'll leave you with a new discovery - Blair loves to perform, and loves to watch herself perform even more. She's been singing the cutest little songs lately, so I decided to video her singing. As you'll see - she's a complete camera ham! At the end of a few of the videos, you can here her ask to watch the videos ... I don't know whether she likes singing more or watching herself sing!
