Friday, July 23, 2010

Surprise! I'm still here ...

although only sporadically. Thought I'd share some recent pictures:

I don't think I could be more in love with this little girl! I gave away our diaper stash the other day ... you know what that means ... yep - we've mastered the fine art of potty training! If I'm this proud of her for using the potty, I seriously don't think I'll be able to contain myself when she reaches other milestones like, say ... reading. And she went through a growth spurt recently which made her feet grow a full size, almost a size and a half. This one left her jammies showing about 3 inches of belly, too, so we jumped up a whole clothing size too.

Her vocabulary blows me away. This child literally does not stop talking. Ever. And we have been in the "why" phase for a couple of months now, which is interesting.

"What are you doing mommy?"
"So we can get home."
"So we can eat dinner."
"Because it's dinner time."

You get the drift? While I know it's wonderful that she's so inquisitive, this is one phase that I can honestly say that I'm pretty sure I won't miss. :) I'm sure there's more, but that's all I have time for now!