Monday, October 25, 2010


We're getting into the Halloween spirit! A couple of weeks ago (I think - days run together when you have monsters running around keeping everyone from sleeping) we bought one big pumpkin for carving and three small ones for painting.

Here's Blair getting the "ooey-gooey" out of Jack's head. She really enjoyed this part! The pumpkin guts were weird, though ... very stringy. Looked like spaghetti? I don't remember pumpkin guts looking like this - maybe we got some weird variety.

Blair's painted pumpkin. She used every color we had, multiple times. :)

I'll let you guess which of us painted this one. Hint: it wasn't me, and it wasn't Blair!

My pumpkin. There is an 's on the end. I'm SOOO not crafty, so I was pretty proud of this creation until one of my friends pointed out that it could double as an Easter egg. Nice. Well, maybe I could throw it in the freezer after Halloween and put it back out around Easter?

And here's Blair with our pumpkin family. She was so excited that she was bouncing everywhere, taking Jack's lid off and would not sit still for a picture. Love this kid!