Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One proud mama

Blair's 3 year check up was Monday, and she did so good! Physically, she's in the 50-75 percentile for height and weight ... she's come a LONG way since those early days when she wasn't even on the charts. Her fine motor skills are right where they should be for a new 3-year-old. And her social and analytical skills ... the doctor reported that she's more in line with a 3 1/2 - 4 year old. Glad there isn't a webcam on me right now, because I'd be embarrassed for y'all to see me beaming so much. :)

She got two shots, including her flu shot, plus a finger prick. She was soo brave right up until the nurse was about to give her the first shot, then she completely lost it. I took her to daycare after the appointment and as I was putting her things away her teacher asked me how it went. Mind you, I was still holding Blair as I started to give the report. I let the teacher know that she had gotten a shot in both arms and that she may be a bit sensitive today. Immediately after I said this, Blair grabbed my face with both of her hands and turned me around so that I was nose to nose with her, and said in THE most pitiful voice you've ever heard ... "Tell her it hurted too, mama!"

She melts my heart every single day, many times a day. Here are a few cute things she's doing and saying:

"Just chill, guys." she says this as she holds her hands out - too cute not to laugh!
"Are we going to stay home and do nuffing today?" again, she crosses her hands in front of her as she says this, signaling the "nuffing"
"Is Jesus here?" she asked me this at two of the last three churches we visited;
"Yes your majesty" I don't think that I act like a diva, but I do get this response from her sometimes when I ask her a question;
"Did you have a fun day at work today mommy?" I always ask her when I pick her up from daycare if she had a fun day at school ... one day she threw it back at me;

She's such a big girl, and she truly is like a little sponge right now ... soaking up everything around her. Conversations are getting really fun. And they are also nonstop. Seriously. The Boog Does. Not. Stop. Talking. At this rate, she'll be out conversing Brian and me in just a few more years!