Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Princess Show

On the way home from work a while back, I noticed a billboard for Disney's Princess Classics on Ice and thought for a second that Blair might enjoy something like that. Boy howdie did she ever! I made the mistake of mentioning it to her way too far in advance of even purchasing the tickets ... so one evening when she was being a really, really sweet girl, we went online and bought the tickets. I even let her push the "Purchase" button, which she thought was way cool. Then, she asked every day whether the "Princess Money" came in the mail ... not sure where she got that, but she was talking about the tickets. :) They finally came, and let me tell you, I used those tickets ruthlessly to my advantage.

"Blair, if you don't do what mommy asked, I'm going to go downstairs and throw the princess money away."
If i said it once, I said it a million times. Finally, about a week before the show, she picked Snow White as her bedtime story. It's just a cheap little paperback, and I noticed on the back cover that there was actually an ad for the princess show. I pointed it out to Blair, and her eyes got as big as saucers.

"Snow White is going to be there?"


"The REAL Snow White?"

"Um, I guess so. Yes."


I got so excited because she was so excited, so there was just no containing us! I got so swept up in the excitement that I even bought her a new princess costume to wear to the show ... a pink one! The night before the show, I tried to bribe her into sleeping all night with the promise of a prize the next morning that she would love. It didn't work, but of course she got the prize anyway. :)

Can't you just see the excitement, joy and wonder in her little face? ;)

She did great. We got there and Sleeping Beauty was up first. Not her favorite (that dang dragon at the end of the movie is scary!), but she was still really excited. The, Arial came out next.

My dear, sweet daughter very quietly said "Hey Arial!" and waved, then blew her a kiss. I could hardly contain myself at that point ... I nearly lost it. Yep, I actually teared up. I'm such a dork! It was just so overwhelming to see her so happy! Belle, Snow White, Mulan and Jasmine did their parts, and she really enjoyed herself. She sat in my lap mostly, and really took in everything.

Cinderella stole the show, and Blair did say that she was her most favorite princess of the day. But do you know who she can't stop talking about?

You can't even really see HIM here, but if you look really hard, you'll see that GOOFY is in the extreme right part of the picture. Blair has told me every single day since the show that Goofy is her friend. This morning on the way to daycare, she asked if Goofy knew how to get to her house. I told her I wasn't really sure that Goofy knew how to drive.

"Yes he does mommy. All you do is twist the wheel around. Will you tell him how to get to my house?"

I am so happy that God blessed me with a girly little girl - I am having the time of my life with her!