Friday, December 17, 2010


At dinner the other night, I was telling Brian that one of my coworkers was pregnant. Blair asked what that meant, so I told her that my friend had a baby growing in her tummy. She had a very concerned look on her face and very quickly asked me: "Mommy, are you going to eat a baby too?"


Blair woke up about 20 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off one recent morning, so I just went to the top of the stairs, grabbed her and put her in bed with Brian and me. Brian's back was to Blair. Soon after we got snuggled in, I heard a very loud (and familiar) popping noise.

"Brian! Blair is right behind you!"

"It wasn't me?!"


"Mommy, it was me!"


A few cute pronunciations and sayings I'm fond of these days:
- Lemolade (lemonade)
- Just chill, guys. (said as she waves her hands in front of her)
- Do you know any spiders (or dogs, or elves, or whatevers) mommy?
- Don't fight! (tacked on to random hello's or goodbyes ... sometimes to complete strangers)
- Mommy, I didn't bite anyone at school today!