Friday, January 14, 2011

Random musings

- A couple of months ago, Brian had a dental crown come out while we were eating dinner one night. Blair didn't say much about it and I didn't think she'd really noticed. A few weeks later, I took her for a doctors appointment. While waiting in the foyer for the elevator, a very nice gentleman who was also waiting took a liking to Blair. Talking to her, laughing and smiling, etc. Not that it matters one bit, but this nice man had maybe 4 or 5 teeth in his whole mouth. One of those things that is best left alone and not to call attention to.

So of course, Blair proceeds to say, "My Daddy lost one of his teeth too." The man didn't respond, so she repeated it even louder. I. Wanted. To. Melt. Through. The. Floor. Then the elevator finally came, and we didn't speak another word.

- We've re-entered the "Why" phase. I thought we'd passed it, but apparently it's coming back with a vengeance. While snuggling up watching one of her shows one morning, Boog tries to find the right "Why" question to ask:

"Why he ..."
"Why that ..."
"Why did ..."
[very exasperated] "WHY?!?!"

Why indeed, Boog ... why indeed. :)

- She's really bad about telling us she doesn't have to go to the bathroom before we leave to go somewhere, then two minutes after we've driven away from a nice, clean potty, declaring that she has to go NOW and can't hold it. So, I did what any patient parent would do after I'd had enough of this ... we told her she'd just have to hold it until we get to where we're going. Sometimes it works, sometimes she says she just can't hold it that long.

So she and Brian were on the way home from somewhere the other day, and she told him she was thirsty. He told her he'd get her something to drink as soon as they got home. A few minutes later, she declares ...

"I can't hold my thirsty anymore, Daddy."

- A couple of nights ago, Blair and I were getting ready for her bath. If I've told her once, I've told her a million times that it isn't a good idea to play with doors (closing them, swinging on them, etc.). So this night she of course closes the door to the bath part of her bathroom, and I of course immediately open it to make sure she's not falling face first into the tub. And, of course, I accidentally squished her finger in the door when I did. I felt horrible! She finally calmed down and we did her bath. Then, as I was drying her off, I get this:

"Mommy, did you do it? Did you let it happen?"

Heaven help me!