Friday, October 15, 2010

Hello. Remember me?

I'll be honest. I wasn't planning to blog anymore. Life is just too hectic and who has time to sit down at the computer and blog on a regular basis? Not me! But then, I visited my blog and took a stroll down memory lane, reading all the way back to the beginning. It was so much fun!

Then I realized that this was the closest thing that I have to a baby journal - or baby book or whatever you call those things - that I have. Who knows how many cute things Blair has done since I last posted that I've already forgotten about! I must go on, even though no one reads this thing anymore except me. :)

My goal: one post each week. No matter how short, and it doesn't even have to include words. But if I am ever going to win that dang Mother of the Year award, I HAVE to do a better job of chronicling the Boog's life. Every smile, every toot, every booboo. OK, maybe not every one, but the ones deserving of a chronicle.

So, here I go again! Y'all hold me to it, please!

I'll try to post pics from her birthday party tomorrow.


Shanna from BabySchrades said...

Wendy, I still look at your blog! I'm glad you are rededicating yourself to it. I did the same thing recently - looked back at Lucas when he was a baby and was amazed at how much I didn't remember until I looked at the blog. We'll be glad we did it : )