Tuesday, January 25, 2011

When you've gotta go ...

We've been visiting a new church lately - it's the first one we've found that could be a good fit for us since we moved. This past Sunday on our way to said church, Blair declared rather urgently that "poo-poo was coming." This is a normal announcement for her, and we were confident, based on the tone of her voice and rate at which she was kicking her feet, that she could hold it until we got to church (we were really close).

By the time we pulled into the parking lot, the tone in her voice had reached a new level and her feet were kicking quite rapidly, so I knew we had to hurry. Brian dropped Blair and me off at the back door, closest to the children's area - and a potty. Upon entering the church, a very cheerful older woman greeted us and seemed smitten with the Boog.

"Well hello there! Aren't you a beautiful little girl. How are you this morning?"

"I'm fine. I have to poo-poo."

The poor little lady didn't know what hit her. All she could do was look at me with a look of shock on her face and point towards the closest potty. We made it, just in time. :)